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Robots: the Next Powerful Learning Tool

Date Thursday, Dec 3 Time   –   RoomPotsdam III

Discover how robots are impacting all levels of education, in various educational contexts, and join in the discussion with Pierre-Yves Oudeyer about how they can change the dynamics of interaction in classrooms and help foster the pleasure of learning.

Poppy is an open-source platform for the creation, use and sharing of interactive 3D printed robots. It gathers an interdisciplinary community of beginners and experts, scientists, educators, developers and artists, that all share a vision: robots are powerful tools to learn and be creative.

The Poppy community develops robotic creations that are easy to build, customise and deploy and this session will share examples of the projects achievements so far, looking into the potentials of robot enhanced learning.


OEB speaker Pierre-Yves Oudeyer

Pierre-Yves Oudeyer

Research Director, Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, France