Aspects of Loving e-Learning
Date Friday, Dec 4 Time – RoomPotsdam I
The future for MOOCs, learning management systems, AR and VR, personalised learning and worldwide trends: the panel in this session looks forward to debate what you will bring to the table. Issues might include: the monetisation of MOOCs; moving LMSs to the Cloud; the increasing application of gamification within LMSs; personalisation of learning via the collection of ‘big data’ from learners via LMSs and LCMSs, and so on!
Craig Weiss
Founder and CEO, E-Learning 24/7, USA
Craig Weiss is an e-learning expert, blogger, analyst and speaker. He is the founder and CEO of E-Learning 24/7, which provides LMS consulting services to buyers and advisory and analyst services to e-learning vendors.
In 2015, he was named the most influential person in the world for e-learning.
Craig writes the E-Learning 24/7 blog, which is read every week in 154 countries, territories and colonial territories.
Since he launched the blog in late 2009, his forecasts and projections on e-learning have been over 90% accurate.
Additionally, Craig launched a think tank for corporate online learning in May 2015. It is the first of its kind in the industry.
He speaks around the world, with recent presentations in the United States, Saudi Arabia and Australia.
Craig holds a Master of Science degree in Mass Communications from Oklahoma State University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism from the University of Rhode Island.
He resides in Los Angeles, CA.
Iva Matasic
CEO, Consulio, Croatia
Iva Matasic is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Consulio, Inc., Zagreb, Croatia and Palo Alto, California, and a founding member of the global e-learning Think Tank ‘Company of Thought’. She has more than 10 years of e-learning, knowledge management and technology consulting experience and is a networker with clients and colleagues worldwide.
Iva implements e-learning and connects e-learning implementation and project management. She is a graduate of the Founder Institute and the author/ co-author of publications presented at numerous conferences. Her expertise includes entrepreneurship, e-learning consulting and training (a focus on innovation in e-learning, personalized learning and big data analytics), future learning, loyalty marketing and motivational speaking.
David Patterson
Director, Learning Light Limited, UK
David Patterson gained 20 years of managerial experience - involving strategy and planning, sales and marketing and supporting change programmes in the food distribution industry - before enrolling at the University of Sheffield to study for an MSc in information systems. This sparked his interest in e-learning - almost 15 years ago. In 2000, he became a distance learning tutor for the University of Sheffield.
David has worked for Learning Light for ten years, where he continues to provide business development advice to e-learning and learning technologies businesses. He also continues to provide consultancy advice to organisations across the UK, and internationally, that are seeking to adopt engaging, effective e-learning.
David has been the lead researcher and joint author of 3 Learning Light market review reports and collaborated with IBIS Capital on a seminal investment review e-learning lessons for the future. In 2015 David was a judge at the Education Investor awards.