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Aspects of Loving e-Learning

Date Friday, Dec 4 Time   –   RoomPotsdam I

The future for MOOCs, learning management systems, AR and VR, personalised learning and worldwide trends: the panel in this session looks forward to debate what you will bring to the table. Issues might include: the monetisation of MOOCs; moving LMSs to the Cloud; the increasing application of gamification within LMSs; personalisation of learning via the collection of ‘big data’ from learners via LMSs and LCMSs, and so on!

OEB speaker Craig Weiss

Craig Weiss

Founder and CEO, E-Learning 24/7, USA

OEB speaker Iva Matasic

Iva Matasic

CEO, Consulio, Croatia


OEB speaker David Patterson

David Patterson

Director, Learning Light Limited, UK