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Plenary D

Tomorrow's New World: Extending the Reach of Learning

Date Friday, Dec 4 Time   –   RoomPotsdam I

How can we ensure that education is ready to prepare learners for the future? And how can we create new learning environments which enhance the benefit of education? Come and learn about the latest theories, new digital solutions, policies, strategies, research and insights, as our expert speakers share their enthusiasm for tomorrow’s new world of learning.

OEB speaker Anka Mulder

Anka Mulder

VP for Education & Operations, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Universities Must Be Bold

OEB speaker Lia Commissar

Lia Commissar

Project Manager, Wellcome Trust, UK

Education and Neuroscience: Issues and Opportunities

OEB speaker Toby Walsh

Toby Walsh

Professor of Artificial Intelligence, University of New South Wales, Australia

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education


OEB speaker Michael Teutsch

Michael Teutsch

Head of Unit, European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Belgium