Pre-Conference Workshop M2
Knowledge Exchange on Technology for Education
Date Wednesday, Dec 2 Time – RoomCharlottenburg II Price: free of charge Status: places available
Workshop leaders

Christien Bok
Programme Manager, SURFfoundation, The Netherlands
Christien Bok, Program manager Technology Enhanced Learning, SURFnet
Boosting the quality of higher education and research requires an advanced, reliable and interconnected ICT infrastructure. In the Netherlands SURFnet supports, innovates, develops and operates this infrastructure, which consists of both network and collaborative components. As program manager Technology Enhanced Learning, Christien’s field of interest and work is to support cooperation between institutions of higher education in the area of IT innovation for improving study success and the quality of education, stimulate experiments, sharing of knowledge and developing a portfolio of services for HE institutions. She has a strong interest in Open Education, Blended Learning, Learning Analytics, Testing and Assessments, Learning Environments and Governance for successful innovations.

Richard French
International Coordinator, Jisc, UK
Richard French, International coordinator, Jisc
Richard helps to coordinate international activities across Jisc's portfolio and manage engagement with its key international partners and contacts. He has a background in media and international education project management in the not-for-profit sector.

Sarah Davies
Head of Change Implementation Support, Jisc, UK
Sarah Davies, Head of change implementation support - education/student, Jisc
Sarah leads on Jisc’s research and development work to enhance the digital student experience. She has managed significant change and research and development programmes in a number of areas, including digital literacies, learning environments, and regional partnerships for learning. She has also working in a consultancy role with universities and colleges to offer tailored support to help them meet their strategic aims with technology-supported learning. Her background is in technology-enhanced learning in higher education.

Paul Bailey
Senior Co-design Manager, Jisc, UK
Paul Bailey, Senior co-design manager, Jisc
Paul is a Senior co-design manager at Jisc with over 20 years’ experience working in education and technology. He is an expert in learning technology and organisational change within universities and colleges. Over the past 3 years he has led a student entrepreneurship project called the Summer of Student Innovation that works with student ideas to address challenges in education. As part of the Co-design approach to research and development in Jisc he is also leading a two year project to deliver of a national learning analytics service for the UK.
As places are limited and the focus lies on regional collaboration, please apply for your participation by sending an email to @email with a short message about:
1) The areas you would like to collaborate on related to the agenda and
2) A description of the European organisation you are affiliated with
Suggested areas for collaboration may include
- Learning analytics and business intelligence
- Electronic Assessment management and assessment feedback
- Digital Literacies
- Blended and online learning
- Open Education
- Personalised and flexible learning environments
- Joining up learner information
- Student innovation approaches
- Institutional innovation approaches
- Employer engagement
You will receive a confirmation of your registration after review.
The purpose is to hold an explorative event to identify organizations working on similar challenges around technology for education at a national or regional level that are eager and eligible to exchange information and are willing to work on potential collaborations and developed shared user solutions.
The workshop is being run in collaboration between SURF and Jisc.
SURF is the collaborative ICT organisation for Dutch higher education and research. SURF offers students, lecturers and scientists in the Netherlands access to the best possible internet and ICT facilities.
Jisc offers digital services and solutions for UK education and research. The charity does this to achieve its vision for the UK to be the most digitally advanced education and research nation in the world.
Participants will be invited to provide an overview of existing activities around key technology for education areas they are working on and willing to collaborate and share. These will be used to identify 8-12 challenge areas that can be worked on within the workshop.
15 mins | Introduction and overview of the day |
60 mins | Round 1: Participants select areas to work in groups on 4-6 challenge areas to identify opportunities for collaboration and sharing or developing shared user solutions. Groups feedback. |
30 mins | Coffee break |
60 mins | Round 2: Participants select areas to work in groups on 4-6 challenge areas to identify opportunities for collaboration and sharing or developing shared user solutions. Groups feedback. |
15 Mins | Plenary and next steps |
A report on the challenges areas and the potential solutions will be shared with all participants.
Target audience
National or federal organisations, institutions or research groups based in Europe working in education technology areas, or other interested parties who are willing to collaborate and share.
Prerequisite knowledge
- Challenge areas in Technology for education
- An ambition to collaborate and share knowledge
- To identify national and regional partners who could work together to mutual benefit
- To identify areas of activity and approaches to collaborate, share and develop shared solutions to key challenges in Technology for Education.
- To work together on roadmap to facilitate efficiency gain (re-use/shared use of tools; standardisation/interoperability etc)