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Panel Talk EDU09

e-Learning Design for Change

Date Thursday, Dec 3 Time   –   RoomPotsdam I

This session will bring you up to speed with best practices to redesign learning. What are essential approaches to generate large-scale change across educational institutions?

OEB speaker Ronald Canuel

Ronald Canuel

President and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Education Association, Canada

The Challenge to Change!

OEB speaker Anne Marleen Olthof

Anne Marleen Olthof

Lecturer, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Applying Design Thinking in Education to Face 21st Century Challenges: Realign or Redesign?

OEB speaker Pieter Cornelissen

Pieter Cornelissen

Program Director, Hogeschool Utrecht, The Netherlands

Redesigning an Entire Applied University: Making a Supertanker Change its Course


OEB speaker Paul Bailey

Paul Bailey

Senior Co-design Manager, Jisc, UK