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Panel Talk DES22

The Agile Approach to Learning Design

Date Thursday, Dec 3 Time   –   RoomPotsdam I

This session will explore the challenges and opportunities in marrying agile development techniques with formal education. How can rigid systems adapt to different team rhythms and dynamics?

OEB speaker Denise Gaspard-Richards

Denise Gaspard-Richards

Department Head, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago

Transitioning to Wrap-Around Content Model: Online Course Development for Learning Longevity

OEB speaker Jasmina Nikolic

Jasmina Nikolic

Vice President, Ministry of Education / University of Belgrade, Serbia

Kanban for Education and Agile Culture Creation

OEB speaker Stephen Downes

Stephen Downes

Research Officer, National Research Council (NRC), Canada

Agile Development in a Waterfall(ish) World


OEB speaker Claudia Musekamp

Claudia Musekamp

Geschäftsführerin, Infoport GmbH: Die E-Learning-Agentur, Germany