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Reskilling the L&D Team for New Challenges

Date Thursday, Dec 3 Time   –   RoomSchöneberg I/II/III

How to transform internal learning together with the L&D team is in focus in this session: is a culture change required for this to happen? How can skills of the L&D department be used to lead learning? Discuss what needs to be in place, based on experiences in this session.

OEB speaker Garry Hearn

Garry Hearn

Training Business Change Programme Manager, UK Ministry of Defence, UK

Is Workplace Learning as Easy as ABC?

OEB speaker Geraldine Voost

Geraldine Voost

Senior Learning Technologies Specialist, HeidelbergCement Benelux, The Netherlands

Introducing Online Learning in Industry on a Very Low Budget


OEB speaker Donald H. Taylor

Donald H. Taylor

Chairman, Learning Technologies Conference, UK