Learning Café
How can L&D support the Development of Transformative Leadership Competencies in an AI-Driven Business Environment? – A Co-Creation Session
Date Thursday, Nov 28 Time – RoomKnight
Generative AI is here to stay and it’s strategic use will be one of the key drivers for our sustained competitiveness. While the integration of AI on an operational level seems well underway, the next frontier lies in identifying and developing the transformative competencies required for a productive human-AI collaboration. This workshop focuses on the leadership skills needed to navigate an AI-enhanced business landscape and explores the role of L&D in fostering these transformative competencies.
Key discussion points include:
• Navigating the speed of change in an AI-centric world: How can leaders empower themselves and their teams to manage the accelerated pace of technological and human transformation?
• Perspective-taking and key leadership competencies: What are the critical C-level and leadership skills necessary to champion AI-driven transformation?
• The role of L&D in AI transformation: How can L&D departments strategically support the implementation of AI?
This Learning Café is designed as an interactive co-creation session where participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences, raise questions, and exchange best practices. The discussions will be facilitated by experienced professionals, who will share hands-on insights and knowledge from their diverse backgrounds. Together, we will explore the pivotal role that leadership and L&D play in driving the AI transformation in modern organizations.

Prof. Dr. Anja Schmitz
Professor HRM, Pforzheim University, Germany
Anja Schmitz is a professor and program director of the master's program in Human Resource Management at Pforzheim University. In her research she investigates how learning in organizations is changing and how learners can best be supported. As a speaker and author she focuses on the topics of new work, new learning and learning ecosystems She is involved as an advisory board member in various organizations, e.g. the Global Advisory Board of Online Educa Berlin (OEB), the Advisory Board and the Think Tank Learning of the Zukunft Personal trade fair. Prior to her appointment, she held various positions in the areas of human resources and organizational development.
Further information on New Work & New Learning: https://learningdevelopment.institute/home/learning-development-institu…

Sven Semet
Business Development Executive & Thought Leader IBM Watson, ASSIMA Deutschland GmbH, Germany
Sven Semet ist in der HR Szene als Diplom-Informatiker ein Exote, der jedoch schon seit 2006 mit innovativen Technologien wie Künstliche Intelligenz, Big Data, ChatBots, AR/VR, Cloning, Digitale Assistenten, uva. die Personalmanagement-Prozesse in vielen Unternehmen optimiert. Seit 2019 ist Sven Semet bei der Firma ASSIMA für das Business Development verantwortlich und revolutioniert mit den patentierten Technologien von ASSIMA die Learning & Development Lösungen vieler Unternehmen. Gerne teilt Sven Semet seine Erfahrungen im persönlichen Austausch als Speaker, Workshop-Host, Interviewpartner oder Unternehmensexperte.

Gudrun Porath
Journalist , Expertanrat ZP Learning & Training, Germany
Gudrun Porath ist freie Journalistin (Redaktionsbüro Porath) und Moderatorin. Die studierte Kulturwissenschaftlerin arbeitete für Tageszeitungen, bis sie 1999 zu einem jungen Software-Unternehmens wechselte und dort unter anderem nach dem Börsengang die Finanzmarktkommunikation verantwortete. 2005 machte sie sich als Journalistin selbstständig und spezialisierte sich auf die Themen digitales Lernen und Weiterbildung, über die sie seitdem für Fachzeitschriften schreibt und live oder online Veranstaltungen moderiert. Sie gehört zum Redaktionsteam der Zeitschrift "neues lernen". Auf haufe.de erscheint ihre E- Learning-Kolumne.