Boardroom Dialogue
AI and Learning Analytics: Ethics and Trust
Date Thursday, Nov 28 Time – RoomChess
In this session Jane Bozarth, longtime L&D practitioner and current Director of Research for the Learning Guild, leads a conversation with participants about the new world of learning analytics and AI in learning efforts.
While learning analytics and AI promise many affordances—from things like increased efficiency by informing better choices of materials and approaches to suggesting personalized learning paths and even predicting future performance—it raises a number of questions often rooted in the philosophical or policy arenas. Among the concerns about the gathering and use of data are privacy, ownership, intentions for and transparency in use, and informed consent, as well as risks such as bias and stereotyping.

Jane Bozarth
Director of Research, The Learning Guild, United States of America
Jane Bozarth, the Director of Research for The Learning Guild, is a veteran classroom trainer who transitioned to digital learning in the late 1990s and has never looked back. In her previous job as leader of the State of North Carolina’s award-winning eLearning program, Jane specialized in finding low-cost ways of providing online training solutions. She is the author of several books, among them "eLearning Solutions on a Shoestring", "Social Media for Trainers", and "Show Your Work: The Payoffs and How-To’s of Working Out Loud". A popular international conference presenter, Jane holds a doctorate in training and development. She lives in Durham, NC, USA with her husband and Thomas the corgi.