Learning Café
Future Campus: Scenarios for the Campus in 2040
Date Friday, Nov 29 Time – RoomDIN Forum
What might the campus of the future look like in 2040? This was the central question in SURF's 'Future Campus' project. This session explores potential scenarios for the future of educational institutions, focusing on how digitalization and evolving student demographics will shape both physical and virtual campus spaces. Through structured futuring techniques, we will envision several possible futures and discuss their implications for education and campus design.
During this session, we will briefly present these scenarios, explore their impacts, and provide a framework for using these visions to inspire and inform campus development and innovation.

Estella Griffioen
Education Innovation Expert, Didactivate, Netherlands
Estella Griffioen (1981) is an educational expert, speaker, and trainer specializing in educational innovation and artificial intelligence (AI). Until 2021, she was affiliated with Inholland University of Applied Sciences, where she worked as a lecturer, educational specialist, and researcher on technology integration in education, particularly in blended learning. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she led a team responsible for the university's online transition. Since 2021, Estella has been working through her own company, Didactivate, advising educational institutions on innovation and training teachers in AI. Estella closely follows educational innovation and new technologies and eagerly shares her insights. Estella is also engaged with the Future Campus initiative at SURF, the ICT cooperative for education and research.

Gerrie van Staalduinen
Teamlead Futures & Values, SURF, Netherlands
Gerrie van Staalduinen is the project leader of the Future Campus initiative, where we explore the question: What will the campus of 2040 look like? Using futuring methods and scenario archetypes, we have developed four future scenarios that provide direction for shaping the campus of tomorrow. These scenarios help guide strategic decisions to realize an ideal campus in 2040. As a project leader and product manager, Gerrie has led various initiatives focused on improving learning and working environments in education. Her passion lies in creating future-proof educational spaces. Today, she will share insights into how these future visions can inspire the learning environments of tomorrow. Join her in exploring the campus of 2040 and discover how you can influence the educational spaces of the future today.