Presentation Panel
Innovative Approaches to Early Childhood Education
Date Thursday, Nov 28 Time – RoomKoepenick I
This session presents fresh perspectives on improving early childhood education through cross-curricular initiatives, AI integration, and literacy development. Participants will gain insights into the role of AI in school education, exploring its potential benefits, challenges, and practical applications, as well as AI-driven methods for supporting literacy development. The session will also examine how the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be integrated into classroom teaching to foster a more holistic and future-oriented learning environment.

Pamela O'Brien
Lecturer, Technological University of the Shannon, Ireland
Pamela O Brien is a lecturer in the Information Technology Department of the Technological University of the Shannon, Ireland. In this capacity she has developed and delivered undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and a broad range of Computer Science and STEM related programmes for primary and secondary school teachers and students.
Pamela is a researcher in the Sustainable Development Research Institute in TUS and a PhD candidate in the School of Education in University College Dublin. Her research areas of interest include informal social learning, computer science education, technology enhanced learning and education for sustainable development.

Ibraheem Adedayo Adediran
Lecturer, National Open University of Nigeria, Niger
Dr. Ibraheem Adedayo Adediran is a Counselling Psychologist and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education at the National Open University of Nigeria, Nigeria. He holds Bachelor of Education, Masters Degree and Ph.D in Counselling Psychology from the Prestigious University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He is currently the overall coordinator of Guidance and Counselling Programme across over 100 Study Centres across Nigeria. He has passion for knowledge acquisition, impartation and behaviour modification for human emancipation. He is an accomplished Author, Teacher, Counsellor and Mentor of note. He has successfully mentored Millions of Youths into success attainment.

Paul Bacsich
Founder and Managing Director, Matic Media Ltd, United Kingdom
Paul Bacsich is the founder and managing director of Matic Media Ltd, a boutique online learning consultancy active since 1996 in many UK, EU, UNESCO, OECD and international projects (often with global coverage) in such areas as virtual universities, virtual schools, open educational resources policy and practice, cost-effectiveness, digital transformation, benchmarking, and digital quality in higher education. He has specific experience of digital higher education projects in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Thailand, and UK.
He is also CEO of Dualversity, a collective of consultants, and actively involved with start-ups in online learning. From 2018-21 he was Professor of Practice at the University of The West Indies Open Campus. He has also been Professor of Telematics at Sheffield Hallam University and Visiting Professor at the University of Derby Online. He has had senior roles in digital aspects of the UK Open University, the UK e-University, and the Global Campus of Middlesex Univesity, and has been involved with or studied many other online learning providers over the years, including several that have failed, or failed to achieve expectations.
He created the first UK-accredited online microcredential for Teaching Teachers to Teach Online (TTTOL) as a contract from Interhigh, an online K-12 provider in UK. He is currently active again in this area as an analyst (after a 12-year gap) including looking at the lessons that can be drawn from such institutions and the wider K-12 sector for the more efficient running of universities.
Findings from Exploring the Sustainable Development Goals through Coding Project, Pamela O'Brien
In this session, we will explore initial findings from a project which provides an opportunity for primary school teachers and students to investigate concepts in sustainable development through computer science. Students explore the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a fun and engaging way through the creation of games, animations and embedded system applications while teachers are supported to teach coding and computational thinking constructs across a number of curricular areas.
Awareness and Utilization of Artificial Intelligence Tools for Effective Administration in Senior Secondary Schools in North-Central Nigeria, Ibraheem Adedayo Adediran
The study examined the level of awareness on Utilization of Artificial Intelligence Tools for effective Administration of Senior Secondary Schools in North Central Nigeria. The objectives among others are to examine accessible and applicable AI tools for effective administrative functions of Principals in the study Area and provide possible solutions to the challenges facing utilisation of AI tools.