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Presentation Panel

AI-Driven Innovations in TVET: Transforming Training, Accessibility, and Curriculum Development

Date Thursday, Nov 28 Time   –   RoomCheck

This session will explore the cutting-edge role of AI in enhancing vocational education and training (TVET). Through case studies, participants will learn how AI is improving the learning experience, boosting accessibility, and aligning educational content with labour market needs. They will discover how AI is not only advancing the quality and accessibility of vocational education but also shaping the future workforce.

OEB speaker Rune Dziadecki Gråbæk

Rune Dziadecki Gråbæk

CIO/CTO, ZBC, Denmark

OEB speaker Scott Harrison

Scott Harrison

Postdoctoral Reseacher, TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology, Germany

OEB speaker Mahreen Ferdous

Mahreen Ferdous

Project and Partnership Manager , Ufi VocTech Trust


OEB speaker David Hollow

David Hollow

Leader of Jigsaw Education and Research Director of EdTech Hub, EdTech Hub, United Kingdom

AI Agents for Education in Health Care, Rune Dziadecki Gråbæk

Skills Required for an AI-Driven Workforce - AI4VET4AI, Scott Harrison

Leveraging Technology to Ensure Learning for All: Practical Insights from Real-World Projects, Mahreen Ferdous