Learning Café
Learning from Mistakes: Embracing the Power of Reflective Thinking
Date Friday, Nov 29 Time – RoomTegel
Albert Einstein once said that a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. Yet, we seldom create space for those valuable learning moments where things go horribly wrong - until now. This energetic, interactive session has no formal speakers, only a room full of informal contributors - you! Together, we will uncover and celebrate the rich lessons that emerge when plans go awry. Participants will explore the power of reflective thinking, gaining new insights through curiosity and shared experiences. Join us to explore how we learn from mistakes and how we can create the space for others to do the same.

Laura Overton
Analyst - Explorer - Writer - Facilitator, Learning Changemakers, United Kingdom
I am an experienced international speaker, author and facilitator with a passion for exploring, challenging and sharing. I believe that the role of learning leaders in the changing workplace is to unlock the potential of business and people. My goal has always been to help learning leaders ensure that their organisations are equipped and ready through outcome-led and evidence informed practice.
Together we will co-create the future of learning - one where learning leaders will become business critical as they uncover new ways to add value. As the founder of Towards Maturity- I led a global research programme for 15 years, bringing a community of practitioners, policy makers, experts and suppliers together to investigate how learning innovation delivers business value.
I continue to investigate, to explore , to communicate insights and facilitate collaborative change in the industry through workshops, coaching and sounding board work via #LearningChangemakers and as co-founder of Emerging Stronger.
Tracking the L&D learning innovation journey since 2003, I have authored/ co-authored of over 70 major research reports and, as a regular contributor to industry publications I have written over 300 articles. I continue to play an active role in research working with the CIPD and other significant industry bodies.
As an industry change maker, I regularly share good practice findings as a keynote presenter at conferences around the globe and through masterclasses, webinars and seminars. I have served on several advisory boards including the original LPI Capability Map, the CIPD Professional Map and Learning boards, the Online Educa Global Council and the original Distributed Electronic Learning Group for the UK government.
I am an academic fellow of the CIPD, a fellow of the RSA and the first female recipient of the Learning and Performance Institute’s Colin Corder Award for outstanding achievement. I was also the first recipient of the Learning Technology award for outstanding achievement and regularly appear in the top influencer lists for our industry.
I am always willing to work with LearningChangemakers across the industry so please contact me if you would like to find out more about my writing, facilitation, coaching or soundingboard work.

Charles Jennings
Director, Duntroon Consultants, United Kingdom
Charles Jennings is a leading thinker and practitioner in innovative talent, learning and performance approaches. An author and well-known speaker, he is particularly known for his work with the 70:20:10 model. His career includes roles as a business school professor, as head of the UK national centre for networked learning, as chief learning officer for global companies, as a consultant, and as a member of advisory boards for international learning, performance, and business bodies.
Charles is a Fellow of the UK’s Royal Society for Arts (FRSA) and a Fellow of the Learning & Performance Institute (FLPI). He is also a Senior Advisor at the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) and other bodies.