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Presentation Panel

Bridging Borders through Collaborative Education

Date Friday, Nov 29 Time   –   RoomCharlottenburg I

Explore how institutional collaboration is transforming education through continuous innovation. This session highlights successful models, such as Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) that connect students and educators across borders. Hear also how a nation is tackling the future through higher education networks.  These initiatives create immersive and blended learning experiences, maximising opportunities for deepening student reflection, critical thinking, professional development and workplace readiness, while building meaningful national and global connections

OEB speaker Richard Powers

Richard Powers

Online Operations & Learning Designer for Virtual Exchange, University of Stuttgart (Professional School of Education), Germany

OEB speaker Aniko Dorner

Aniko Dorner

Professor, Tecnologico de Monterrey

OEB speaker Tuula Heide

Tuula Heide

Programme Manager, Digivisio 2030 programme, Finland


OEB speaker Herman van der Merwe

Herman van der Merwe

Deputy Dean: Teaching & Learning, North-West University, South Africa

Unlocking Deeper Learning Potential through Continuous Innovation in COIL, Aniko Dorner, Cheryl Loadman

The New Blended Learning: Intercultural Innovations, Richard Powers

Successful Collaboration in Finland Higher Education, Tuula Heide