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Presentation Panel

Seamless AI Integration: Bridging Technology and Learning

Date Thursday, Nov 28 Time   –   RoomPotsdam I

Join this session to explore the integration of AI into higher education. Discover how to establish communities of practice to foster AI innovation, develop bespoke tools, and build AI capacity for both staff and students. Learn how to navigate ethical challenges and redesign curricula to prepare students for an AI-driven future. Through concrete examples and evidence-based recommendations, participants will examine the challenges and opportunities in AI integration, driving pedagogical change within institutions.

OEB speaker Nikos Basbas

Nikos Basbas

Educational Innovation Consultant, Tilburg University, Netherlands

OEB speaker Muhammed Sahin

Muhammed Sahin

Rector, MEF University, Turkey

OEB speaker Maria D. Avgerinou

Maria D. Avgerinou

Faculty and Coordinator of MA in Learning Design and Technology, American College Greece- Deree, Greece


OEB speaker Donna Carroll

Donna Carroll

Senior Coordinator of Professional Development for Teaching & Learning, Maastricht University

Exploring Premium Higher Education for All, Nikos Basbas

Navigating AI Integration: A Case Study, Muhammed Sahin

A Framework for Reconsidering AI in Curriculum and Assessment, Maria D. Avgerinou