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Panel Discussion Panel

New Models for Tertiary Education

Date Friday, Nov 29 Time   –   RoomPotsdam I

What does it take for an organisation like a university to transform itself to embrace change and innovation - and where do you start to help it take the first steps? This panel of university leaders will explore not only what they do differently in their organisations and how this might be applied elsewhere, but also how they address some of the key challenges facing higher education today. How to realise the transformative potential of higher education will be at the heart of this conversation.

OEB speaker Manuel Dolderer

Manuel Dolderer

Founder, CODE University Of Applied Sciences

OEB speaker Stephanie Levy

Stephanie Levy

CEO of Schools, 42 Berlin and 42 Wolfsburg, Germany

OEB speaker Kyle Bowen

Kyle Bowen

Deputy CIO, Arizona State University

OEB speaker Oliver Janoschka

Oliver Janoschka

Managing Director, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (German Forum for Higher Education in the Digital Age)