Panel Discussion Panel
New Models for Tertiary Education
Date Friday, Nov 29 Time – RoomPotsdam I
What does it take for an organisation like a university to transform itself to embrace change and innovation - and where do you start to help it take the first steps? This panel of university leaders will explore not only what they do differently in their organisations and how this might be applied elsewhere, but also how they address some of the key challenges facing higher education today. How to realise the transformative potential of higher education will be at the heart of this conversation.

Manuel Dolderer
Founder, CODE University Of Applied Sciences
Manuel is a serial founder, learning experience designer, international advisor and keynote speaker with a mission to provide students of all ages, nationalities, cultural and financial backgrounds with impactful learning experiences that empower them to develop a new mindset full of curiosity, self determination and entrepreneurial spirit.

Stephanie Levy
CEO of Schools, 42 Berlin and 42 Wolfsburg, Germany
Stephanie is the CEO of the 42 Wolfsburg and 42 Berlin Schools. She is dedicated to providing international students with access to top level tech education and professional development opportunities while increasing diversity in the tech industry. Her professional experience includes expanding business development as the General Manager DACH at Inspera AS, and developing new virtual internship programs as the Senior Director of Operations, Global Internships at CIEE, the Council on International Educational Exchange. Stephanie’s focus is on intercultural collaboration, innovation, sustainability, and the future of work. Her goal is to support the 42 Wolfsburg and 42 Berlin teams and students, and facilitate the growth of the 42 partnerships and network.

Kyle Bowen
Deputy CIO, Arizona State University
Kyle Bowen is Enterprise Deputy CIO at Arizona State University where he is responsible for enabling how the ASU community experiences technology to learn, work and thrive. A self-described storyteller, Kyle is passionate about transforming education with a learner and student-centered approach. He was previously the director of innovation for teaching and learning with technology at Penn State University. By collaborating across the institution, he advanced faculty professional development, space design, learner creativity, and data science efforts. Kyle also formerly served as the director of learning informatics at Purdue University, a role that shaped the university’s strategy to improve student attainment through award winning emerging technologies. Kyle is an entrepreneur, teacher, and regular speaker on innovations in higher education. Co-author and editor of more than 20 books on design, development, and usability, his past work has appeared in the New York Times, USA Today, and the Chronicle of Higher Education.

Oliver Janoschka
Managing Director, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (German Forum for Higher Education in the Digital Age)
Oliver Janoschka has served as managing director of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (German Forum for Higher Education in the Digital Age, abbreviated: HFD) since its inception in 2014.
Before founding HFD, Janoschka worked in the field of higher education in various European Member States for more than seven years. He has a proven track record of facilitating international policy projects, serving for example as director of projects for the European Association on Lifelong Learning in Higher Education (EUCEN) in Barcelona and Brussels and as lecturer and project coordinator for the Bosch Foundation in the Western Balkans. He holds a master’s degree in educational management, sociology and psychology from the University of Hamburg.