How To
Triggering Learning Processes to Facilitate Project-Based Learning
Date Friday, Nov 29 Time – RoomChess
In this practical session, participants will explore strategies to reflect on and improve their individual teaching practices and learning support. You will learn how to develop actionable proposals that promote value-based interactions with learners, management, and peers while appreciating diverse facilitation approaches. The session will also address establishing continuous development cycles and fostering collective learning experiences at the institutional level to drive ongoing improvement.
* Sign-up Sessions are intimate, small-group sessions designed for hands-on collaboration and in-depth discussion. Due to the limited space available, early registration is essential to secure your spot. Don't miss out on this opportunity to engage closely with experts and peers—register now for your Sign-in Session!

Christian Stary
Professor, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Christian Stary holds a PhD (1988) and a Diploma (1984) in usability engineering from the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), where he completed his Habilitation (venia docendi) in 1993. He is currently a full professor in Business Information Systems at the JKU Department of Business Informatics-Communications Engineering. He also chairs the JKU Knowledge Management Competence Center. At JKU he is Department Head and Study Admission Chair. Christian Stary is the Chair of ICKM (International Council of Knowledge Management) and Austrian representative of the S-BPM steering committee. His research interests are learning support and organizational development. He has published several 300 refereed papers in journals, books and chaired international research projects in these domains.

Iniga Antonia Baum
Researcher, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Iniga Antonia Baum, M.A., M. A. has been involved professionally in project-based learning in higher education institutions for more than 15 years. She consulted partner-companies of all sizes and branches in student projects in the area of Business Informatics and Business Engineering, and coached students methodologically and scientifically within those projects. For the last five years she has been researching on teacher support in project-based learning in digital environments on a didactic and on an organizational level. She works as docent for Scientific work and Knowledge Management.