Spotlight Stage
Education Unchained
Date Friday, Nov 29 Time – RoomPotsdam III
As a corporate professional in the field of learning and disruptive innovation, I have been attending Online Educa Berlin since 2002. Every year OEB shows me the evolution in learning technologies, but it has never shown me real disruptive impact in the organization of education. Education has always watered down the potential of learning technologies to avoid conflicts or tried to enforce it upon teachers and students without any experience in how to succeed in disruptive innovation. Most of those projects failed and made real evolution even more difficult. Even today the potential of AI and ChatGPT are already watered down to ‘Avatars’ and the next level of ‘Course Production’.
10 years ago, I did a keynote and a workshop with following statements …
- Students with passion & talents should have the freedom to accelerate their learning dramatically.
- Students without passion or talents in something, should have the ‘freedom’ to slow down or choose something else.
- Education without these ‘freedoms’ builds prisons instead of real learning environments.
Most agree with these statements.
To face the live threatening challenges of this world we must develop the courage to unchain the real potential of the passion and talents of all of us.
This Spotlight Session will include three confrontational stories …
- What makes us valuable in this ever-changing world?
- What should be the real impact of (disruptive) learning technologies on learning and education?
- What courage is needed to embrace the full potential of learning technologies in education?
After this Spotlight Session you will understand that ‘Failure is an option’ … the only thing you need is the courage to act.

Jef Staes
Architect Learning and Innovative Organisations, Red Monkey Company, Belgium
Jef Staes (1956, Belgium) is an authority on learning processes, innovation and culture change. With decennia of professional experience (Engineering Digital Telephony, Training Manager & Corporate Learning Officer), he currently assists CEO’s and Managers to find a comprehensive answer to the changing dynamics of today’s world. He is a passionate & inspirational author, keynote speaker & concept creator. His striking metaphors and stories are guaranteed eye-openers and his thoughts on the future of business and education inspire many. Google 'Jef Staes' or 'Red Monkey' and you know where he stands for.

Ildiko Mazar
Sector Consulting Manager, NTT Data, Spain
Ildiko has over 25 years of professional experience in the field of open education and e-learning, and she is particularly passionate about informed and transparent knowledge, skill and competence recognition. In the past 5 years Ildiko has been focusing mostly on supporting the development and uptake of innovative solutions in the fields of competence development and digital (micro-)credentialing, more specifically the European Learning Model and European Digital Credentials for Learning. She is member of the CTDL Advisory Board, and one of the 3 Co-Chairs of the W3C Credentials Community Group's VC-EDU task force.