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Presentation Panel

Digital Credentials and The Lifelong Learning Backpacker

Date Thursday, Nov 23 Time   –   

The role of universities to assess, acknowledge and certify an individual's "fitness for employability" is eroding. Through cryptographic methods, verifiable credentials now offer a tamper-proof distributed tool to certify one's learning outcomes, and could turn the entire education landscape upside down. 

In this session, speakers will explore the growing ecosystem of distributed digital credentials, where citizens transition from employer to employer carrying an e-portfolio of acknowledgment into their “lifelong learning backpack”. In this landscape, the distinction between "students" and "employees" is getting very vague and universities and employers are getting "mixed up" as never before.


OEB speaker Stuart Martin

Stuart Martin

Founder, George Angus Consulting, New Zealand

OEB speaker Sabine Zander

Sabine Zander

Senior Project Manager, imc information multimedia communication AG, Germany


OEB speaker Rolf Reinhardt

Rolf Reinhardt

Member of the Executive Committee, International Council on Badges and Credentials [ICoBC], Germany

The Value of Credentials, Stuart Martin

Upskilling and Reskilling of Employees: How Organisations Can Use Digital Credentials to Tackle Skills Shortages, Sabine Zander