How To
Responsible Framework for Developing, Using and Sharing AI-applications.
Date Thursday, Nov 23 Time –
This is a How To session on developing, using, and sharing AI-applications in the educational field. Participants will be given a fictional AI-application to develop and share. They will be challenged to think about regulations, ethics, privacy, security, public values, etc. during every process step in a proposed framework. At the end each group will present their lessons learned and take-aways.
After this session, participants will understand that AI is not just about technology but involves the collaboration of several disciplines, and will be able to ask the right questions for a good quality assessment of new AI-applications or updates.
Bertine van Deyzen
Project Manager AI in Education, SURF, Netherlands
Bertine studied AI at Utrecht University. Her role at SURF is to share knowledge on AI in education, both demystification and state of the art. To set up proof of concepts and manage projects exploring opportunities for AIED. She is involved in networks regarding AIED and helps to organize events.