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Learning Café

Beyond "Happy Sheets" - Ideas and Questions for Understanding Learning Effectiveness

Date Thursday, Nov 23 Time   –   

Corporate academies are a big investment for organisations. However, little effort is put into measuring the effectiveness of learning products provided by them. In this Learning Café, we will introduce models and approaches for understanding and measuring learning effectiveness and share insights on reconstructing the M&E system of the Academy for International Cooperation (AIZ) which aims to shape learning within GIZ, an organisation with 25,000 employees in 120 countries.

We will then facilitate a discussion among participants on good practices, useful methods/approaches, and common challenges concerning the effectiveness of learning products.

OEB speaker Jasper Synowski

Jasper Synowski

Specialist Learning Evaluation & Analytics, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany

OEB speaker Klemens Darr

Klemens Darr

Learning Platform Specialist, German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH, Germany

OEB speaker Ilaria Kosubski

Ilaria Kosubski

Learning Specialist Digital Tools & Evaluation, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany

OEB speaker Jessica Schendzielorz

Jessica Schendzielorz

Specialist Learning Evaluation and Analytics, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany