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Pre-Conference Workshop A6

A6 - DistancE-Learning in Europe – Exchange of Experience and Knowledge Sharing: The Use of Data in Education

Date Wednesday, Nov 22 Time   –   RoomCharlottenburg II Price: free of charge Status: places available

Workshop leaders

OEB speaker John Trasler

John Trasler

President, EADL, United Kingdom

OEB speaker Jens Greefe

Jens Greefe

Director of Studies, EADL European Association for Distance Learning, Germany


OEB speaker Rainer Paetsch

Rainer Paetsch

Head of eMedia Center, Institut für Lernsysteme GmbH ILS

OEB speaker Oliver Nahm

Oliver Nahm

Scientific Officer, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training - Bundesinstitut für berufliche Bildung (BIBB), Germany

OEB speaker Ellen Gunning

Ellen Gunning

Director, Irish Academy of Public Relations, Ireland

OEB speaker Esther Chesterman

Esther Chesterman

CEO, National Extension College

Distance Learning Providers today are processing large amounts of learners’ data to optimise their services and provide the best possible support. An important impact on the learning environments of the future is expected from learning analytic tools. 

This Pre-Conference Workshop will provide insights into an ongoing learning analytics project by the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and showcase best practices from project partners. The workshop will delve into two key aspects: the potential of utilising AI for data analysis and the endeavour to enhance completion rates.


  • 14:00 Welcome and Introduction
    European Association for Distance Learning (EADL)
    Bundesverband der Fernstudienanbieter E.V.
    Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)
  • 14:15 Project Presentation - Assessing and Furthering the Role of Learning Analytics in Vocational Distance Learning
    Dr. Oliver Nahm, Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)
    Rainer Paetsch, Institut für Lernsysteme GmbH, Germany
  • 15:00 Improving completion rates for marginalised learners
    Esther Chesterman, CEO National Extension College, UK
  • 15:45 Panel discussion
    Dr. Oliver Nahm, Esther Chesterman and Ellen Gunning (Irish Academy of Public Relations)
    Moderator: John Trasler (President EADL)
  • 16:30 End