Discovery Demo
iLikeIT2 - A New Way of Collaboration with Educational Technology
Date Thursday, Nov 24 Time –
This demonstration will show off an early prototype of a new collaborative software being developed through en Erasmus+-project. The software, iLikeIt2, will be a variation of the traditional group work, where anonymity and written language will be emphasized more than physical contact and verbal expressions.
The finalized software can be used in both online and in-class settings, and also outside the educational system, as a voting tool.
In this Discovery Demo you will be able to attend a scenario both as a student and a teacher, and test cases, interact with others in a friendly and fun way, and experience how students learn from peers in a learning situation.
Tord Talmo
Associate Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
MSc. Tord Talmo is employed at Norwegian university of Science and Technology (NTNU) as an associate professor. He holds a master degree in Norwegian from NTNU. His subject areas are languages and social science.
MSc. Talmo has worked at NTNU since 2003. He has been involved in several international projects since 2009. Currently Talmo is leading the iLikeIT2-project, utilizing handheld devices to do collaborative training. He is also involved in DC4LT, researching Educational Technology for Language Trainers and EdViCon, investigating best practices in online training. Talmo is specializing towards Language training, New Learning Environments and methodology and application of technical services being used in class.