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Learning Café

Can we Reach Ambitious and Complex Learning Objectives Using EdTech Such as Augmented Reality and Adaptive Algorithms?

Date Thursday, Nov 24 Time   –   RoomChess

This Learning Café introduces a taxonomic framework developed for global training of employees in the wind industry with special attention to the importance of aligning learning objectives and EdTech learning activities. Participants will share experiences and discuss possibilities and challenges in reaching ambitious and realistic learning objectives using EdTech as well as traditional “analog” training methods.


  • Deeper or broadened insight on digital posibilities in teaching and learning designs.
  • Enhanced focus on the need for alignment between learning objectives, learning activities and evaluations/assessment.
  • Curiosity or courage to utilize more advanced EdTech.

OEB speaker Thomas Grønlund

Thomas Grønlund

Training Project Manager, Global Wind Organisation, Denmark