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Discussion Panel

Will the Fourth Be With You? Achieving Education for the New Worlds of Work

Date Thursday, Nov 24 Time   –   RoomPotsdam I

How will higher education equip students with the skills and knowledge to adapt to our rapidly changing societies and worlds of work? In this session, panelists will explore the new models of higher and adult education that are emerging, particularly those enabled by technology, collaborating with the industry to create programmes that are ‘future-proof’. Audience interaction will be fundamental to discuss the challenges and barriers to implement these new models.

OEB speaker Pat Brosnan

Pat Brosnan

Cyber Security Active Directory Services Leader, Dell Technologies, Ireland

OEB speaker Minna Isomursu

Minna Isomursu

Professor, University of Oulu (Finland), Finland

OEB speaker Mark Jordan

Mark Jordan

Chief Strategy Officier, Skillnet Ireland, Ireland

OEB speaker Olivier Crouzet

Olivier Crouzet

Head of Pedagogy, 42, France

OEB speaker Martin Hayes

Martin Hayes

Professor of Digital Technologies and Academic Lead for the UL@Work Project, University of Limerick, Ireland


OEB speaker Gilly Salmon

Gilly Salmon

CEO, Education Alchemists. Ltd, United Kingdom