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Presentation Panel

Going Digital 4.0: New Design Thinking for the Digital Transformation of Higher Education

Date Friday, Nov 25 Time   –   RoomCharlottenburg III

These experts will share innovative design approaches for initiating and implementing digital transformation projects in higher education. They will show best practices of early adopters and discuss triumphs and issues of moving learning and training online. 

If your organisation is about to embark on a digital transformation project and you want to learn about the latest methodologies, then this session is for you.

OEB speaker Talia Kolodny

Talia Kolodny

Senior Director, EMEA, Engageli, Israel

OEB speaker Jordan Seke

Jordan Seke

CRM Officer & CX Specialist, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

OEB speaker Thomas Ahler

Thomas Ahler

Special Consultant, UCL University College, Denmark


OEB speaker Lourdes Guàrdia

Lourdes Guàrdia

Deputy Dean at Psychology and Education, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Education 4.0 - Our First Steps: Principles and Programme design, Thomas Ahler

See the Systems: Designing Digital Transformation

Is Digital Transformation Effective in the Teaching and Learning Space?, Jordan Seke

Creating Human-Centered Global Classrooms with Intentional Technology, Talia Kolodny