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OEB Annual Debate: "This House Believes Education Should Move to the Metaverse"

Date Thursday, Nov 24 Time   –   RoomPotsdam I

"The metaverse has been described as the next evolution of the internet or Web 3.0. It offers an ‘extended reality,’ in which people can socialise, work and learn.

Is it the future for education – a brave, new, digital world where every experience is an immersive learning opportunity and students’ grades are higher than ever before? Or is it a dangerous distraction from the essential discipline and structure of traditional education?"

OEB speaker Carlos J. Ochoa Fernández

Carlos J. Ochoa Fernández

Co-Chair Education Committee / Founder and CEO, VRAR Association / ONE Digital Consulting, Spain

OEB speaker Christina Yan Zhang

Christina Yan Zhang

CEO, The Metaverse Institute

OEB speaker Andy Fidel

Andy Fidel

Spatial Network Evangelist & Immersive Experience Designer, Spatial Network, France

OEB speaker René Schulte

René Schulte

Director of Global Innovation, Research & Incubation, Valorem Reply, Germany


OEB speaker Harold Elletson

Harold Elletson

Editor / Senior Fellow, International communications consultant and editor of the eLearning Africa Report, United Kingdom