Pre-Conference Workshop A6
DistancE-Learning in Europe – Exchange of Experience and Knowledge Sharing Use of Data in Education
Date Wednesday, Nov 23 Time – RoomSchoeneberg I/II/III Price: free of charge Status: places available
Workshop leader

Jens Greefe
Director of Studies, EADL European Association for Distance Learning, Germany
Jens Greefe is the Director of Studies at the ILS in Hamburg, Germanys biggest distance learning provider, educating app. 70.000 students in more than 300 distance courses. He is responsible for the development and the organization of the course programs and for the quality management of the ILS
He holds a diploma in Economics and is chairman of the Research & Development Committee of EADL since 2014. From 2012 until 2020 Jens Greefe was Vice president of the german association for distance learning “Bundesverband der Fernstudienanbieter” formerly named “Forum Distance Learning”.
Since 2021 he is member of the Global Advisory Board of the OEB Online Educa Berlin
Since 2022 Jens Greefe is member of the board of "Bundesverband der Fernstudienanbieter".

Oliver Nahm
Scientific Officer, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training - Bundesinstitut für berufliche Bildung (BIBB), Germany
Oliver Nahm leads the project “Learning Analytics – Distance Learning” at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), which aims to assess the importance of Learning Analytics for vocational distance learning courses, as well as further its implementation.
He has worked as a teacher and trainer for many years, designing and teaching courses both on- and offline. His focus is on a holistic and flexible approach to education, utilizing data, while keeping the focus on the human element.

JaapJan Vroom
Policy advisor at MBO Digitaal and Captain of innovation at Npuls, MBO Digitaal and Npuls, Netherlands
JaapJan is a policy advisor at the MBO council in the field of data-enhanced education in secondary vocational education and training. He is also national leader of the pilot hub Educational Data and AI in the Dutch national growth fund programme Npuls.

Niels Pinkwart
Scientific Director of the Educational Technology Lab, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany
Prof. Dr. Niels Pinkwart is Vice President for Academic Affairs at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He is also Scientific Director of the Research Department Educational Technology Lab at DFKI Berlin.
His research interests lie at the intersection of Computer Science, Education, and Organizational/Societal Change. Prof. Pinkwart has authored more than 250 peer reviewed publications. He is a regular member of a variety of program committees of scientific conferences and currently acts as associate editor of the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education and as member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Educational Data Mining.
Distance Learning Providers today are processing large amounts of participants’ data to optimise their services and provide the best possible support to their learners. It is expected that learning analytic tools will have an important impact on the learning environments of the future.
This workshop will give you some insights into the latest learning analytics from a scientific point of view and show some best practices in vocational education.
- Gain information about learning analytic methods and tools.
- Receive knowledge of best practice in learning analytics.
- Expand networks and supporting the sharing of knowledge in Distance Education.
- 15:00 Welcome and Introduction
European Association for Distance Learning (EADL)
Bundesverband der Fernstudienanbieter E.V.
Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB) - 15:15 Project Presentation - Assessing and Furthering the Role of Learning Analytics in Vocational Distance Learning
Dr. Oliver Nahm, Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB) - 15:30 Learning Analytics – The Scientific Point of View
Prof. Dr. Niels Pinkwart, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, DE - 16:15 Coffee Break – Time for Networking
- 16:30 Learning Analytics – Best Practices in The Netherlands
Jaapjan Vroom, Deltion College, NL
Level: any level
This workshop will give the most benefit to adult learning professionals who work in the field of vocational education and training, but the topic will attract researchers and HR-specialists as well.