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Methods and Digital Solutions to Increase Student Engagement

Date Thursday, Dec 2 Time   –   RoomPavillon

How can we not only encourage and strengthen students' levels of engagement in classrooms but use technologies as well to improve access to education and skills for work? These speakers share EdTech supported methods.

OEB speaker Louise Rowland

Louise Rowland

Deputy CEO, Ufi

OEB speaker Ionana Moldovan

Ionana Moldovan

Cypher Learning

OEB speaker Zubair Ahmad

Zubair Ahmad

Section Head of Module Development and Publication, Qatar University Young Scientists Center (QUYSC), Qatar

Digital Transformation of Informal Learning Practices in STEM Education, Zubair Ahmad

Creating Highly Personalised Learning Experiences that Fuel Student Engagement, Ionana Moldovan

Taking Ownership of Learning - How Technology can Support Learner Confidence in an Uncertain World, Louise Rowland