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Boardroom Dialogues

The New Normal Is About Resilience and Sustainability

Date Thursday, Dec 2 Time   –   RoomChess

The outbreak of COVID -19 had a global impact on all sectors, health care, economy, finance and last but not least education. A global crisis was a fact of life. This crisis painfully brought home to us the importance of quality education and the well-being of all, not only in terms of subject matter and content, but also in terms of the social-emotional dimension of learning and education. A new educational paradigm called "New or next normal learning and education" evolved. In this Boardroom Dialogue we will discuss its impact and consequences.


- Leadership for the new, and or next normal

- Resilient quality education for equity

- Personal learning in the open learning landscape

OEB speaker Ebba Ossiannilsson

Ebba Ossiannilsson

Board Member, ICDE, SADE, Sweden