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Presentations PST415

The Additive Manufacturing Teaching Factory: Hands-on Learning Nuggets for Educating a Future Generation of European AM Specialists

Date Thursday, Dec 3 Time   –   Room

AM is a technology whose character is highly digital, and therefore is the ideal educational platform for promoting digital skills in manufacturing education. Currently available educational modules are typically either based towards certain providers of AM systems (as a pre-sales activity) or in many other cases based on rather theoretical modules. Therefore, the project EIT-AddManu (powered by European Insitute of Technology) has been created and aims at providing a broad, manufacturer independent education with a strong hands-on attitude which should help students and industrial consumers to improve their skills in fields like design, application oriented thinking, and innovative manufacturing methodologies.Public as well as private educational institutions from Austria, Finland, the Netherlands and Spain are contributing to EIT-AddManu with innovative and relevant learning nuggets, aiming at motivating and educating the future generation of European AM specialists.

OEB speaker Julia Anna Schönherr

Julia Anna Schönherr

project assistant, Vienna University of Technology, Austria