Presentations PST414
How to Resuscitate the GCSE – a Digital Badge Path
Date Thursday, Dec 3 Time –
The summer of 2020 could be seen as a turning point in national assessments for Year 11 and Year 13 students in the UK. For the first time, external national testing has been stopped and students awarded grades based upon a mix of previously completed work and teacher judgements. Inevitable questions arise as a result of this exceptional set of circumstances: how will the outcomes compare with previous years; does this approach disadvantage whose who perform well in examinations; how can consistency in judgements between schools be achieved; what will happen in 2021; does GCSE in its present form continue to have a place for Year 11 students? The presentation will tackle this last question. It puts forward ideas for change using digital badges to leverage existing technology and make the qualification more relevant for the future.
Graham Hudson
Special Adviser, GA Partnership, UK
Graham Hudson works with professional organisations, government ministries and development programmes both nationally and internationally. His focus is on helping organisations get better outcomes from their examinations and assessments by improving the reliability and validity of assessments. He helps organisations make the change to digital systems and is an expert in supporting them through successful procurement. He has over 35 years experience in the industry and has been responsible for marking the UK's national curriculum tests as well as the introduction of marking from image technology nationally and internationally. Graham Hudson is a member of the IoD’s Assessment Committee and is chair of the Learning and Technology Committee for NEBOSH. He is also a Board member and Secretary of the e-Assessment Association (eAA), a not-for-profit independent body for those working with e-Assessment. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He has considerable experience of procurement of e-assessment solutions from both sides of the fence as well as a excellent working knowledge of the market.