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Panels and Discussions PAD401

Asia - A Global Snapshot

Date Thursday, Dec 3 Time   –   Room

OEB Global surveys the prospects for learning and technology around the world. Our panels of regional experts provide concentrated briefing and analysis on developments in eLearning in every part of the globe, giving you the chance to gain insights into local conditions and opportunities.
In this session, our team of specialists focus on Asia, guiding you through the terrain and providing an opportunity for you to make contacts, network and discuss key issues.

OEB speaker Santosh Panda

Santosh Panda

Professor of Distance Education, Indira Gandhi National Open University, India

OEB speaker Paul Bacsich

Paul Bacsich

Founder and Managing Director, Professor of Practice for the University of West Indies Open Campus and consultant at Matic Media Ltd, UK

OEB speaker Nigel Banister

Nigel Banister

Founding Director, Strategic Global Consultants Ltd, UK

OEB speaker Edward Lawless

Edward Lawless

director, Center for Innovation, Japan

OEB speaker Som Naidu

Som Naidu

Pro-Vice Chancellor Flexible Learning and Director, Center for Flexible Learning, The University of the South Pacific, Fiji

OEB speaker Lily Chan

Lily Chan

Chief Executive & Vice Chancellor, Wawasan Open University, Malaysia