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Spotlight Stage SPL153

AI Ethics - Theatre or Reality?

Date Thursday, Nov 28 Time   –   RoomPotsdam III

Every man, woman and their dog is setting up a group, board, council, whatever, on AI ethics. Donald will lay out the main positions from Pinker, through Dennet, Russell to Musk. AI may not be as good as you think or as bad as you fear and the danger is that the doomsaying actually prevents us from using AI for social goods like learning. Nevertheless there are some big issues to discuss, such as bias, privacy, surveillance, employment. Come see Max put Donald's feet to the coals in a discussion on AI ethics in learning.

OEB speaker Donald Clark

Donald Clark

eLearning Expert and Strategist, Plan B Learning, UK


OEB speaker Maximilian Jarrett

Maximilian Jarrett

Broadcaster and Strategic Communications Consultant, Germany