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Panel Discussion SPC140

Developing Sustainable Learning Spaces in the Digital Age

Date Thursday, Nov 28 Time   –   RoomCharlottenburg I/II

Digital change, physical environments and learning space design in the digital age take centre stage with this international panel. How does digital transformation challenge physical learning spaces? What experiences, advice and guidance will help your learners thrive in the 21st century? Learning space experts from different countries will share outcomes of their national research and discussion papers, best practice examples and lessons learned from their collaborative investigation.

OEB speaker Anne Prill

Anne Prill

Project Manager, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, Germany

Developing Sustainable Learning Spaces in the Digital Age

OEB speaker Michel Jansen

Michel Jansen

Project Manager, SURFnet, The Netherlands

OEB speaker Duncan Peberdy

Duncan Peberdy

Senior Lead – Digital Learning Spaces, JISC, UK

OEB speaker Alexandra Becker

Alexandra Becker

Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart, Germany

LeHo-Lernwelt Hochschule - Selected Results in the Dimension Learning and Teaching Space