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Pushing the Technological Boundaries

Date Friday, Nov 29 Time   –   RoomPotsdam I

This Plenary will bring you valuable and actionable takeaways with concrete, best practice applications of innovative developments for learning in Higher Education and Schools.

OEB speaker Laura Czerniewicz

Laura Czerniewicz

Director, Director at the Centre for Learning and Teaching (CILT) and Centre for Higher Education Development (CHED) at the University of Cape Town

OEB speaker Bryan Alexander

Bryan Alexander

Founder and Principal, Futurist, researcher, writer and teacher at Georgetown University / Bryan Alexander Consulting

OEB speaker Shirley Alexander

Shirley Alexander

Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Education and Students) University of Technology Sydney


OEB speaker Gilly Salmon

Gilly Salmon

Academic Director, Professor, Learning Innovator, Leading Thinker in Digital and Blended learning and Academic Director at OES