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The Strategic Role of Learning and Development

Date Friday, Nov 29 Time   –   RoomPotsdam III

The work of learning and development often focuses on the tactical – such as producing content and using technology – but this sessions focuses on the strategic. How can we ensure that what we do makes a positive difference to the organisation? How can we fully involve managers in learning? What approach works best for ensuring impact? How do we ensure that training is not a separate function, but part of the business?

OEB speaker Richard Straub

Richard Straub

President, Global Peter Drucker Forum, Austria

OEB speaker Joe Pokropski

Joe Pokropski

Managing Director, Learning and Talent Development Executive

OEB speaker Heléna Bargiel

Heléna Bargiel

Transforming strategy into high performing teams at LEO Pharma A/S


OEB speaker Donald H. Taylor

Donald H. Taylor

Chairman, Chair, Learning Technologies Conference Track