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Panel Presentation LTG157

Learning for Future Skills

Date Thursday, Nov 28 Time   –   RoomCheck

Building the skills of the workforce for tomorrow is no longer possible using just an annual curriculum and schedule of classroom training. Today, these have to be carefully targeted at what's suitable for students and institutions and organisations and employees. Fortunately, we have data and systems that enable us to do that. In this session we hear how data can be used both in Higher Education to prepare graduates for work, and look at how smart automation can be used to re-skill employees fast when a company's way of working changes.

OEB speaker Antea Ivanovic

Antea Ivanovic

Talent Development & Learning Management Consultant, Accenture, Poland

Rapid Reskilling - How Intelligent Automation Can Work to the Advantage of L&D Professionals

OEB speaker Rolf Reinhardt

Rolf Reinhardt

Senior Relationship Manager DACH, LinkedIn Learning, Germany

Bridging the Graduate Skill Gap - How Higher Education Institutions Can Leverage LinkedIn Data to Ensure Graduates Are Prepared for the Workforce


OEB speaker Tom Wambeke

Tom Wambeke

Learning Specialist, International Training Centre of the International Labour Organisation (ITC-ILO), Italy