Knowledge Factory ENG258
#HackYourCampus – Students Sharing the Outcomes of a Hackathon
Date Friday, Nov 29 Time – RoomRook
This panel of students is willing to contribute to change education at their higher education institution. They are the winners of a student hackathon that has taken place prior to OEB. Join for a conversation with these change agents and to hear the results of their work on topics such as: democratic participation on campus; diversity in STEM disciplines; sustainability during studies and; Future Skills.

Ilona Buchem
Professor for Communication and Media Sciences, Beuth University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Ilona Buchem (PhD) is Professor for Media and Communication at Beuth University of Applied Sciences in Berlin. She graduated with a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics at the University of Warsaw (Poland), Concordia University (WI, USA) and University Duisburg-Essen (Germany).
She studied Educational Sciences at Humboldt University in Berlin and obtained her PhD degree in Business Education in 2009. Her research and teaching focus on the intersections of digital media and society, with special focus on emerging technologies such as social, mobile, wearable and smart technologies. Her research interests include Digital Collaboration, Digital Diversity, Digital Learning and Digital Leadership.
Ilona Buchem has led a number of R&D projects dedicated to emerging digital media for learning and digital strategies in organisations. She is the Chair of the Special Interest Group on Wearable Technology Enhanced Learning at the European Association of Technology Enhanced Learning (EATEL), the founder of the Europortfolio German Chapter and a member of several organisations related to distance education and technology-enhanced learning, including the Association of Media in Science (GMW) and the European Distance Education Network (EDEN).
She has initiated and has been actively involved in a number of national and international projects both as a project coordinator and a researcher, including Open Virtial Mobility (Erasmus+), Open Badge Network (Erasmus+), BewARe (BMBF), Digital Future (Stifterverband), fMOOC (BMBF), BeuthBonus (BMBF, BMAS, BA, ESF), Credit Points (BMBF, BMAS, BA), Wikipedia Diversity (Wikimedia), Mediencommunity 2.0, iCollaborate and Future Social Learning Networks (FSLN).

Till Rückwart
Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD), Germany
Till Rückwart works as a student assistant at Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD). There he is part of the communication team and in charge of the hackathons.
He has contributed to the Blog of Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, the Data Literacy Education Program (Stifterverband), The Educational Experts Seminar 2019 (in cooperation with Fulbright and DWIH New York). Also he is co-responsible for the HFD-Podcast "Podcasting the Digital Turn" and is supporting the developement of a wideranged EdTech Portfolio at HFD.
Till Rückwart studies his master in European Media Studies at University of Potsdam (UP) and University of Applied Science Potsdam (FHP). He completed his bachelor's degree at UP, FHP and at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at Universidade Nova de Lisboa.