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Panel Presentation CNT114

On the Future of Open Educational Resources - Advocacy and Implementation

Date Thursday, Nov 28 Time   –   RoomLincke

OER and open educational practice and culture are emphasised as catalysts to reach the SDG 4 goal on access, equity, equality, inclusiveness, quality, and lifelong learning. This panel will share best practice and stimulate discussions on how to scale up the implementation process of OER via awareness, capacity building, and assessment of outcomes.

OEB speaker Nina Brandner

Nina Brandner

Advisor, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany

OEB speaker Renata Suter

Renata Suter

Kiron Open Higher Education gGmbH, Germany


OEB speaker Paul Hearn

Paul Hearn

Knowledge and Change Management, European Commission, Belgium