Spotlight Stage SPL43
Fighting "Post-Truth" with Critical Literacy Education - with Alec Couros
Date Thursday, Dec 6 Time – RoomPotsdam III
Dr. Alec Couros will discuss the urgent need to reimagine information literacy curricula as a tool for surviving the current epidemic of fake news, catfishing, and dis/misinformation.
Alec Couros
Professor of Educational Technology & Media, Educator, Researcher and Professor of Educational Technology & Media at the University of Regina, Canada
I am a professor of educational technology & media at the Faculty of Education, University of Regina, Canada. I help adults and youth take up the incredible affordances of the digital age while providing them with strategies to avoid the numerous pitfalls.
I have given hundreds of keynote presentations and workshops to K-12, higher education, & corporate audiences across the globe. Popular topics include connected learning, digital citizenship, digital literacy, digital identity, social media in organizations, digital ethics, internet scams, digital privacy, and cyber-security.
I am an accomplished educator and researcher and have been recognized with numerous awards for teaching and leadership. I have worked with education, government, and corporate clients to develop policies and procedures related to technology integration and implementation initiatives.
Most importantly, I’m a father of four wonderful children and I am privileged to learn from them daily as they grow up in this amazing but complex era.