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Panel SKI15

Navigating the Roadmap of the 4th Industrial Revolution

Date Thursday, Dec 6 Time   –   RoomCheck

This panel will debate the roles of government and business , the leadership expected from business and the impact and role of educators in preparing all students for their future. We will cover the vision and leadership needed to identify the necessary skills and ways in which to develop strong academic, vocational and socio-political skills to help our societies thrive on the new opportunities, rather than merely survive the coming disruptions and transformations. The debate will address the need for intervention to blunt the impact of disruptive forces and also the need for capitalism to harness the entrepreneurship and agility required to innovate and create strong economies.

OEB speaker Peter Hamilton

Peter Hamilton

Founder and Principal Consultant, EdTech Ventures, Ireland

What Freud Teaches us about the Post Truth Era - the Psychology of Disruption

OEB speaker Florian Hoffmann

Florian Hoffmann

President, The DO School, Germany

How DOING Is the New Learning

OEB speaker Michelle Armstrong

Michelle Armstrong

Manager, Grants & Special Initiatives, PMI Educational Foundation (PMIEF), USA

Integrating Project Management and Global Competence into CTE through Online Teacher Training


OEB speaker Michelle  Selinger

Michelle Selinger

CEO, ConsultEdu and EdTech Ventures, UK