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Panel SKI106

Optimising Digital Scenarios to Prepare Learners for Life On and Off the Job

Date Friday, Dec 7 Time   –   RoomBishop

This eclectic Panel brings together top-quality approaches to digital transformation in various contexts.

OEB speaker Michelle  Selinger

Michelle Selinger

CEO, EdTech Ventures, UK

Why We Must Re-Evaluate What We Consider Success and Failure in Digital Education

OEB speaker Elisabeth Agerbaek

Elisabeth Agerbaek

Associated Professor, Lillebaelt Academy, University of Applied Science, Denmark

A Method to Develop Lifelong Learning Competences during Vocational Studies

OEB speaker Tarkan Gürbüz

Tarkan Gürbüz

Instructor, Middle East Technical University (METU), Turkey

The Digital Transformation of Education and Learning in Turkey


OEB speaker Myron Cizdyn

Myron Cizdyn

President, eLearning Journeys, Poland