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(Getting to) The Heart of Education

Date Friday, Dec 7 Time   –   RoomPotsdam I

Will there be a new golden age for higher education? How will technology change our approach to learning? How will it help to place education at the heart of life? How will it inspire a new generation? How will we change the nature of education? How will we learn to love learning?

OEB speaker Anders Flödstrom

Anders Flödstrom

EduDirector, Edu.Director at EIT Digital and Professor at KTH, Sweden

OEB speaker Esther Wojcicki

Esther Wojcicki

Educator, journalist, IT & OER consultant, Educator, Journalist and IT & OER Consultant, USA

OEB speaker Ben Williamson

Ben Williamson

Senior researcher, Author and Senior Researcher at the University of Edinburgh, UK


OEB speaker Sara de Freitas

Sara de Freitas

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) at University of Cumbria, Executive Consultant and Former Deputy Vice Chancellor, UK