Panel OER75
Taking OER from Commitment to Action
Date Friday, Dec 7 Time – RoomPotsdam I
Panel speakers from different sectors will share examples showing the potential of Open Educational Resources. Audience members will be invited to join in a general discussion on the future of OER.
Jan Pawlowski
Professor Business Information Systems, Hochschule Ruhr West / University of Jyväskylä, Germany
Open Up Your Project: How to Utilise Open Educational Resources in Projects and Organisations
Jan Pawlowski works as Professor in Digital Media – Global Information Systems at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
Born in 1971, originally from Essen, Germany. Masters' Degree and Doctorate in Business Information Systems (University of Duisburg-Essen). Since 10.2007 working as Adjunct Professor within the Faculty of Information Technology. Since 12.2009 Professor of Digital Media with the specialization "Global Information Systems". This includes the research coordination of several national and European projects. Main research interests and activities are in the field of Global Information Systems, E-Learning, Modeling Learning-related Processes, Procedural Models, Learning Technology Standardization, Quality Management and Quality Assurance for Education, and Mobile / Ambient Learning. Actively involved in research organizations (AACE, GI, IEEE) and in standardization organizations (DIN, CEN, ISO/ IEC JTC1 SC36). Acting chair of the CEN/ISSS Workshop Learning Technologies.
Ebba Ossiannilsson
Vice President, Swedish Association for Distance Education and ICDE, Sweden
Prof Dr. Ebba Ossiannilsson, is the V President for the Swedish Association for Distance Education (SADE), and the V President for the Swedish Organization for E-Competence (REK). She is the founder and owner of Ossiannilsson Quality in Open Online Learning (QOOL) Consultancy.
Ossiannilsson is an independent researcher, expert, advisor, consultant and quality reviewer in the fields of open online flexible and distance learning, including el-earning, technology enabled learning (TEL), (OOFAT) including OER and MOOCs. Her special focus is on quality, innovation, leadership, personal learning, and learning "just for me".
She has a long career in those areas, since year 2000, she worked at Lund University, Sweden. In addition, she works as a consultant and quality reviewer at several of the prestige national universities.
Prof Ossiannilsson was awarded the EDEN Fellow title in 2014, she became Open Education Europa Fellow in 2015, and in the Council of EDEN Fellows, from 2018. She became Open Education Europa Fellow in 2015. In 2017 she became ICDE OER Advocacy Committee, Chair and Ambassador, as well as in the ICDE Global Quality Network, Europe.
She is frequently invited as keynote speaker for international, and national conferences, within the areas of OOFAT and quality. She is board member in national and international associations, in the area of open online learning and education (EDEN EC, former EFQUEL, earlier in EUCEN). She was the evaluator of the SEQUENT project on quality, which later become foundation for ENQAs report on quality considerations in e-learning (2018). Ossiannilsson collaborate with the QQI, Irelend, EC ET working group on digital and online learning on quality in OER, MOOCs and open education and with Commonwealth of Learning. She was an expert for IPTS on their work on the framework for open education. Ossiannilsson is a quality reviewer for ICDE as well as for EADTU, ECB Check, and also for former EFQUEL. She Was in the board for LANETO and was among the founders of EPPROBATE. Ossiannilsson was coordinating the ICDE_ON_BOLDIC on behalf of the Swedish Association for Distance Education (SADE). She is in the Board for several scientific Journals and the Editor in the Education Sciences Journal, the topical collection on MOOCs, as well as for the International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, special issue on learning analytic. Ossiannilsson is representing EDEN in ISO, and she works even at national level in SIS/ISO (Swedish Standards Institute /ISO. She has a passion to contribute to open education for a Future We Want for All, as is emphasized by UNESCO for 2030.
Ossiannilsson earned her PhD at Oulu University, Finland in 2012 with a dissertation on Benchmarking e-learning in higher education: lessons learned from international projects. Her dissertation has fortunately had a very large outreach and is often cited. Ossiannilsson’s publications comprise over 200 publications: Conference papers, Journal articles, Book Chapters, Reports, Editor for books, a forthcoming book (Springer on open education) and her dissertation. Ossiannilsson has conducted several research studies in open online learning, including flexible learning, OERs and MOOCs, and personal learning environments. She was the research leader for the ICDE research study on global overview of quality models, and she was the author of the ICDE Insight research report on blended learning, state of the nation. She has conducted several national overview reports, for example, the POERUP, ADOERUP, Global OER Mapping, the IPTS Member States Case Studies on Policies for Opening up Education, and for the Open Education Working Group. She was one of the promoters for introducing MOOCs in Sweden, and she has finalized some 40+ MOOCs herself, since its start in 2008. She was invited as Quality expert for the investigation on MOOCs, and for the initiative on pedagogical development in higher education by the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ).
Ossiannilsson was a senior consultant at Eurekos/Mentorix, Denmark, and serve as a pedagogical consultant and researcher for the Next Generation Digital Learning Envioronment (NGDLE).
Special Recently Research Projects, and Activities on Quality Work in OOFAT, Including References
The International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE)
ICDE OER Advocacy Committee, Chair and Ambassador
ICDE Global Quality Network, Europe
The ICDE research study on Quality Models in Online, Open Education Around the Globe: State of the art and recommendations. The study was on behalf of ICDE and Coordinated by EADTU. Ossiannilsson was the research leader for the study team comprised of K Williams, A Camilleri and M Brown
Ossiannilsson, E. (2017). ICDE Insight research report on blended learning. State of the nation. Oslo: ICDE.
Quality Reviewer on Behalf of ICDE for University Terbuka, Indonesia
ICDE_Operational Network BOLDIC, coordinator
The European Distance E-learning Network
EC, and NAP member and Chair Special Interest Group on Quality and Technology Enabled Learning
ISO representing EDEN
The European Association for Distance Teaching Universities
Evaluator for the Project Supporting Quality in E-learning European Networks (SEQUENT
Quality Reviewer EADTU, Excellence, University of Nicosia
Quality reviewer, EADTU, OpenupEd, University Derby
Member of the Ed board for update of the Excellence manual
Member of the Ed board for updating the OpenupEd manual
Expert, evaluator European Commission
Quality Reviewer EFQUEL, UNIQUe (University of Nicosia)
Quality Reviewer EFQUEL, ECB Check
European Commission ET Working Group on Open and Distance Learning
IPTS Working Group on Open Education Framework, Focus on Quality
Commonwealth of Learning
IPTS Member States Case Studies on Policies for Opening Up Education (2016--)
EUA on Comments for the Directive of the European parliament and of the council on copyright in the Digital Single Market
QQI, Quality reviewer
Follow Ossiannilsson on ResearchGate, Linked In, Blog and Twitter.
Knut Inge Skifjeld
Project Manager, Explore, Norwegian Digital Learning Arena (NDLA), Norway
I started teaching 30 years ago. After 20 years of creative teaching I wrote a handful of text books for various publishers and then moved on to working as a subject editor in English for Gradually I moved on to project managing and research at NDLA, and I’m now Head of NDLA Explore. My main career goal is to play a part in establishing standards for open source production tools for OER. A lot of OERs are practically inaccessible to the larger community due to technological limitations or lack of intuitive content structures. Accesibility is key to all the wonderful dimensions that OER can add to the world of learning.
At NDLA we have more than 30000 articles. We use a lot. This widespread open source tool box can be used in a lot of CMSs. Resources can be remixed, downloaded and used on other sites. Our content is licenced Creative Commons and we share all our site code on Github regarding design, technological architecture and production system.
Please reuse :)
Cecilie Isaksen Eftedal
Head of User Aspects, Norwegian Digital Learning Arena (NDLA), Norway
I started teaching 22 years ago. Quickly I became interested in finding out how students learn best, and how I could facilitate their learning process in the best possible way. I knew I had to find out what worked and what did not, thus my students became an important source to help me evaluate my teaching. By getting continuous feedback from my students, I could improve my classes daily, and gradually become a better teacher.
Being a teacher in different Norwegian and International schools was inspiring, but I felt that I could make more of a difference designing educational resources. When a position in NDLA opened up in 2008, I jumped at the opportunity, and have been working there since.
Today, I work as the CSO focusing on the users of the OERs. My team is responsible for more than 70 social media channels, marketing, and a large user test panel consisting of upper secondary students and teachers from all over Norway. Being in close contact with students and teachers give us the unique possibility of getting feedback on both our UX, our design and how to best design our resources for learning.
Markus Bick
ESCP Europe Business School, Germany
Markus Bick is Professor for Business Information Systems at ESCP Europe Business School. He earned his doctorate in Business Information Systems from the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. His current research interests include global knowledge management, ambient and mobile knowledge and learning environments, convergence of technology-enhanced learning and knowledge management as well as digital competencies.
Markus Bick is co-author of a textbook on data and information management. He published his research work in renowned international journals like Electronic Markets, Business Information Systems Engineering or Information Systems Management as well as peer-reviewed conferences such as ECIS, WI, or HICSS. Besides, Markus has co-chaired tracks or minitracks at conferences like ECIS, AMCIS, and HICSS, among others, and has acted as both an AE and a reviewer at ICIS. In addition, he is a senior editor of Information Systems Management and associate editor for Electronic Markets or reviewer for journals like EJIS, JIT or BISE, to name a few.
Markus Bick is Professor for Business Information Systems at ESCP Europe Business School. He earned his doctorate in Business Information Systems from the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. His current research interests include global knowledge management, ambient and mobile knowledge and learning environments, convergence of technology-enhanced learning and knowledge management as well as digital competencies. |
Markus Bick is co-author of a textbook on data and information management. He published his research work in renowned international journals like Electronic Markets, Business Information Systems Engineering or Information Systems Management as well as peer-reviewed conferences such as ECIS, WI, or HICSS. Besides, Markus has co-chaired tracks or minitracks at conferences like ECIS, AMCIS, and HICSS, among others, and has acted as both an AE and a reviewer at ICIS. In addition, he is a senior editor of Information Systems Management and associate editor for Electronic Markets or reviewer for journals like EJIS, JIT or BISE, to name a few.