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Panel HEF33

The Enigma of Change in Higher Education Institutions

Date Thursday, Dec 6 Time   –   RoomLincke

This Panel will provide useful takeaways for anyone who deals with the thorny issue of EdTech-related change in higher education environments. How can the concerns of academic staff best be addressed? How can their initiatives be supported? How can you plan actions to help staff? Our discussions will include the characteristics of change facilitators that help institutions in their strategic initiatives.

OEB speaker Christopher Christodoulides

Christopher Christodoulides

Director of Administration & Finance, Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Addressing the Challenge of Culture Change in Distance Higher Education through Training and Development Interventions

OEB speaker Margaret Korosec

Margaret Korosec

Head of Digital & Enterprise Learning Solutions, University of Derby Online Learning, UK

On Wicked Problems, Inspired Individuals and Managing Change: A Case Study in Higher Education

OEB speaker Daniel Belton

Daniel Belton

University Teaching Fellow, University of Huddersfield, UK

Transforming the Online Learning Space through Advanced Development Workshops

OEB speaker Paul Bacsich

Paul Bacsich

Founder and Managing Director, Matic Media Ltd and University of West Indies Open Campus, UK

Opening Up Dual Mode: Changing Practice or Practice Changing?


OEB speaker Karoline von Köckritz

Karoline von Köckritz

Project Management, Consulting, Internalization, Freie Universität Berlin, Center für Digitale Systeme (CeDiS), Germany