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Panel EPD76

We’re Putting the Teacher at the Centre

Date Friday, Dec 7 Time   –   RoomLincke

Designing learning experiences that foster students’ love of learning is the name of the game. Although it’s played by teachers all over the world it’s a game with few concrete rules, influenced by the incessant introduction of further innovations.
Fortunately, some institutions provide significant support for their teaching and expert staffs. Their efforts range from the basic issue of incorporating technology into teaching practice to the development of toolkits for pattern-based learning design that speed up and clarify the creation of learning experiences. Even top-level experts receive assistance in becoming true facilitators of learning rather than mere information dispensers. In this Panel, people with hands-on experience will share what they’ve learned.

OEB speaker Miriam Boer

Miriam Boer

Director of Education, NKI (Netherlands Cancer Institute), The Netherlands

Let Your Experts Shine! 

OEB speaker Christian Glahn

Christian Glahn

Director Blended Learning Center, HTW Chur, Switzerland

Learning Design for Teachers in a Hurry

OEB speaker Jody Joubert

Jody Joubert

Lecturer, Training Manager, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Designing an Interactive, Future-oriented Computer Integrated Education Course: Teaching Towards Loving Learning


OEB speaker Herman van der Merwe

Herman van der Merwe

Executive Dean, North West University, South Africa