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Panel EDT12

EdTech Innovation Clusters

Date Thursday, Dec 6 Time   –   RoomChess

The global EdTech market keeps growing and national EdTech clusters, Hubs and Alliances are key in offering support to start-ups in this complex ecosystem. How do they define and re-enforce their core mission? How do they represent the interests of diverse members - and who are their key partners and supporters? This Panel with leaders in the field will discuss opportunities for more international exchange, good practices, possibilities for future growth and more.

OEB speaker Tobias Göcke

Tobias Göcke

Founder, Bundesverband Deutscher Startups (BVDS), Germany

OEB speaker Hege Tollerud

Hege Tollerud

CEO, Oslo EdTech Cluster, Norway


OEB speaker Maria Zoey Sommer

Maria Zoey Sommer

Innovation, Cphbusiness, Denmark