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Panel DAT05

Algorithms, Analytics, AI and Personalisation

Date Thursday, Dec 6 Time   –   RoomKing

EdTech is making the world of learning a more personalised place. Learning analytics, learning-behaviour assessment systems, and solutions that aggregate, curate, and personalise learning content from the mass of information on the web can help in the process of generating efficient strategies for an individual learner. How? Find out from this Panel of presenters.

OEB speaker Albert Vlaardingerbroek

Albert Vlaardingerbroek

Director of Management Department, Noorderpoort, The Netherlands

Learning Analytics - Nightmare or Beautiful Dream?

OEB speaker Joel Johnston

Joel Johnston

Executive Driector, Let Me Learn, USA

21st Century Engagement: You in the Driver’s Seat of Personalised Learning

OEB speaker Davor Orlic

Davor Orlic

Chief Operations Officer, Knowledge 4 All Foundation, UK

X5GON Project on AI and OER Building a Netflix for Open Education


OEB speaker Gila Kurtz

Gila Kurtz

Head of M.A Program, Holon Institute of Technology, Israel