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Panel ABC08

Quality Assessment and Interactive Video Quizzes

Date Thursday, Dec 6 Time   –   RoomKnight

The use of just-in-time digital learning products, prepared in modular form, allows them to be applied on demand in diverse environments. This Panel will give examples of a state-of-the-art application of interactive video and quizz design, whilst also exploring the practical applications of item analysis.

OEB speaker Henrik Bregnhøj

Henrik Bregnhøj

E-learning Consultant, Centre for Online and Blended Learning (COBL), University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark, Denmark

Interactive Online Courses for Capacity Building at Scale; Laboratory Safety at the University of Copenhagen

OEB speaker John Kleeman

John Kleeman

Executive Director and Founder, Founder and Executive Director of Questionmark, UK

Item Analysis: Just for Experts or Should We All Be Doing It? Discover How You Can Add Value within Your Assessment Programme through Item Analysis


OEB speaker Sue Martin

Sue Martin

Business Transformation Consultant, Germany